Test 2

On Chapter 3, on at 5 pm (not 4 pm) Monday 25 November, Week 11 in Melbourne Hall

The BioEng2B tutorial will take place from 4 pm sharp to 4.45 pm in B263 on that day.

Chapter 3: Differentiation is going to be examined. A Summary of Differentiation (p.147-8): you will want to know this stuff very well. You will be given a copy of these tables

There is a sample test on p. 149 of the notes.

I strongly advise you that attending tutorials alone will not be sufficient preparation for this test and you will have to devote extra time outside classes to study aka do exercises.

Between tutorials and private study you really should aim to have completed as least the following:

  • P. 113, Q. 1-6 (not 5c or 6iii)
  • P. 119, Q. 1-4
  • P. 127, Q. 1-4
  • P. 138, Q. 1-3
  • P. 146, Q. 1-4
  • The Sample Test

There are more questions in most of these exercises.

If you are having any problem, take a photo of your work and email me your question.

Week 9

We looked at partial differentiation and its applications to differentials and error analysis.

I had hoped to do a Concept MCQ for Chapter 3 but we kind of ran out of time… I would ask ye to complete this (on your own) before Monday.

Week 10

We will start Chapter 4 on (Further) Integration. A good revision of integration/antidifferentiation may be found here, but this material will be gone through in Monday’s lecture..


Academic Learning Centre

If you are a little worried about your maths this semester, perhaps after the Quick Test or in general, I would just like to remind you about the Academic Learning Centre. Most students received slips detailing areas of maths that they should brush up on. The timetable is here.


Please feel free to ask me questions about the exercises via email or even better on this webpage.

CIT Mathematics Exam Papers

These are not always found in your programme selection — most of the time you will have to look here.

Student Resources

Please see the Student Resources tab on the top of this page for information on the Academic Learning Centre, etc.